B.Dent.SC., M. Dent.Sc. (Univ. Of Dublin). M.S. (North Carolina).

Dr Paul G. O’Reilly graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 1990. After completing a M.Dent. Sc. at the Dublin Dental School in 1993 he continued his studies in the Periodontology department of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, completing his M.S. in 1996.

Paul operates in private practice limited to Periodontics and Implant Dentistry both at the Burlington Dental Clinic and the Hermitage Medical Clinic in Dublin while maintaining a part time faculty position in the Dublin Dental School for both undergraduate and postgraduate training.  Paul’s interest lies in continuing education having given over 80 courses both nationally and internationally in all aspects of periodontology and implant dentistry and he is the course director for the continuing professional development course in Periodontology in the Dublin Dental School.

He is a member of the advisory board of Nobel Biocare (the world’s first and largest implant company).

Paul is past president of the Irish Society of Periodontology and past Honorary Treasurer of the Irish Dental Association.

He was elected a fellow of the American College of Dentists and is currently Honorary Secretary of its European Branch.